The Scrum Guide

The Scrum framework, a popular method for managing software development projects, has recently undergone some significant changes in its latest version, the Scrum Guide 2020.

One of the most notable changes is the drop of the term „Servant Leader” in describing the role of Scrum Masters. Instead, the guide now uses the term „true leader” to emphasize the importance of effective leadership in ensuring the success of a Scrum project.

Download The Scrum Guide (2020)

Another change is the alteration of the development team, the guide no longer uses the term „development team” instead, it’s just „developers”. This shift in language is meant to emphasize that all members of a Scrum team have a shared responsibility for the success of the project, rather than placing the burden solely on the „development team”.

The guide also replaces the term „role” with „accountabilities” in describing the individual members of a Scrum team. This change is intended to emphasize that each member of the team has specific responsibilities and is accountable for their actions and decisions.

The guide also introduces new „Commitments” for each of the main artefacts in Scrum: the Product Goal for the Product Backlog, the Sprint Goal for the Sprint Backlog, and the Definition of Done for the Increment. These commitments are meant to provide clear and shared goals for the team to work towards.

Finally, the guide expands the focus of Sprint Planning from just the WHAT and HOW to include the WHY. This addition is intended to ensure that the team has a clear understanding of the overall objectives and goals of the project before they begin work on a specific Sprint.

Overall, the changes in the Scrum Guide 2020 are intended to provide a more comprehensive and effective approach to managing software development projects. The emphasis on leadership, shared responsibility, and clear goals is meant to help teams work more efficiently and effectively to deliver high-quality products.