Podcast Get Agile

Get Agile #6 | Kiro Harada | Kaizen – making employee life easier

In this episode Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita interviews Kiro Harada, Agile Practitioner from Japan, who was involved in development of the supply chain system for Toyota. Listen to their conversation about how Toyota Production System was initially misunderstood and how to transfer Lean Principles into the software development world.

Get Agile #6 | Kiro Harada | Kaizen – making employee life easier Read More »

Get Agile #5 | Ron Jeffries and Chet Hendrickson | Agile Engineering Practices

In this episode, Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita interviews Ron Jeffries and Chet Hendrickson – people who were involved in the creation of: Extreme Programming, Agile Manifesto (Ron is one of the authors, Chet is the first signatory), and Certified Scrum Developer Program by Scrum Alliance. Plus a few other things.

Get Agile #5 | Ron Jeffries and Chet Hendrickson | Agile Engineering Practices Read More »

Get Agile #4 | Joe Justice | Agile Hardware Development

Tomasz Wykowski z ProCognita przeprowadza wywiad z Joe Justice, Certified Scrum Trainer, mówcą TEDx, założycielem WIKISPEED i twórcą metod Extreme Manufacturing i Scrum@Hardware. Dowiedz się, jak firmy zwiększają zwinność w rozwoju swoich produktów sprzętowych i co Tesla robi inaczej niż wszyscy inni producenci samochodów.

Get Agile #4 | Joe Justice | Agile Hardware Development Read More »