Evelyn Tian

Certified Scrum Trainer

Evelyn Tian

Certified Scrum Trainer

Evelyn Tian is the founder and the heart of Evelyn Konsult AB. She is one of the few in the global Scrum community who holds all high-level coaching and training qualifications. She is a Certified Enterprise Coach® (CEC), Certified Team Coach® (CTC), Certified Scrum Trainer® (CST), Certified Agile Leadership Educator® (CALE) and Path to CSP Educator. She is also the creator of Value Based Strategy for organization transformation and agile coaching. Evelyn has decade of experience guiding organizations through large scale transformation and product enhancements.


CAL II is an advanced education, validated practice, and peer-based sharing program that consists of learning and practice across three categories (Leadership in an Agile Context, The Agile Organization, and Agile Approaches to Change). The goal of CAL II is to guide leaders in deepening, applying, and sharing their agile leadership learning.


Evelyn’s focus is on organization transformational strategy, continuous improvement, and enhancing the art and science of crafting products and services.

She headed Ericsson Global Transformation Support Center, providing coaching and training services to all organizations within Ericsson globally. Through over one decade of coaching, Evelyn has built a lengthy track record and gathered deep insights in coaching organization transformation, agile leadership, and teams to reach their potential, and growing passionate practitioners to agile coaches, product owners and agile leaders.

Evelyn started to work as a software engineer in 1993, and then she took various roles from system integrator, mobile switching system trouble shooting, project manager, product manager, system architect, etc. In 2009, Evelyn was trained to become a full-time coach as part of Ericsson’s internal transformation strategy – “using our own people to transform our own organizations”.

Since 2009, Evelyn has been working as a full-time coach, helping different organizations to transform. She works with leadership teams, organization transformation strategies, and business value based strategy. She works with product enhancements, through product innovation and product development improvements.

What makes Evelyn and Evelyn’s work different is that she works on coaching organizations in the trenches, and takes hands-on learning and experience into her coaching and training sessions.

She has provided training and coaching support to companies in the sectors of finance, insurance, telecom, automotive, marketing, pharmaceutical, e-commerce, etc.

Additionally, she serves an advisory board member of IEEE Software, where she mainly focuses on agile, Scrum, scaling and DevOps; she also serves as a board of director on ScrumAlliance board.

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