Speaking Managerish. How to promote Agile without being fired.

Rozmawianie z managerami nie jest łatwe. Przekonanie ich do Agile jest jeszcze trudniejsze. Czasem jesteś ignorowany, czasem niezrozumiany a w najgorszym przypadku wylany.

Talking with managers is not easy. Sometimes you are just ignored, sometimes misunderstood and in worst case fired…

I’m working as an Agile coach, and I’m having these conversations quite often. My interlocutors differs and so do their businesses. Despite that, over time, I’ve noted some common patters that helps me drive discussions.

During this presentation I’d like to share with you my Steps for Successful Agile Conversation. Or not even Agile. Any conversation, where you'd like to be heard and positively influence your audience.

I’ll show you how to avoid falling into pitfalls and what are the tools that works for me. You’ll leave this session better prepared for the next meeting with your boss.

First presented at ScrumImpulz 2016 Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia.
