Tomasz Wykowski

Jestem jedynym polskim Certified Scrum Trainer, CST akredytowanym przez Scrum Alliance oraz LeSS-Friendly Scrum Trainer akredytowanym przez LeSS Company. Niektórzy mówią, że moją mocną stroną jest to, że doskonale rozumiem potrzeby młodych firm. Wiem, czego potrzebują i potrafię do nich dotrzeć, bo znam ich problemy i sposób myślenia.

Get Agile #24 | Zuzi Sochova | The Leadership Shift

Zuzi shares her story of becoming Scrum Master, what was her greatest challenge, and the biggest change she needed to make. She tells how coaching helped her on her path and how she now works with executives to help them find their dreams. They also discuss how confidence and courage are necessary for leaders to try new things, and how different types of leaders work with their teams.

Get Agile #24 | Zuzi Sochova | The Leadership Shift Read More »

Case Study Falcon V Systems

Jak skalować Scruma bez utraty jego zalet?

Scrum został opracowany jako sposób na efektywną pracę w niewielkich zespołach. W końcu jednak dochodzisz do tego momentu, w którym chcesz skalować swój biznes. Jak w ciągu kilku miesięcy urosnąć kilkukrotnie i zachować dużą elastyczność działania? Poznaj historię polskiej firmy Falcon V Systems i sprawdź, jak Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) pomógł im zbudować adaptacyjną organizację i eksperymentalnie odkrywać najlepsze rozwiązania.

Jak skalować Scruma bez utraty jego zalet? Read More »

Get Agile #23 | Angel Diaz-Maroto | Making Reliable Promises

„The biggest responsibility of leadership is to ensure that promises keep on working on time,” says Angel Diaz-Maroto, Certified Enterprise Coach, and Certified Scrum Trainer. During his recent visit to Warsaw, Poland, he joined Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita to discuss the elements of reliable promises. Together, they look at building promises in a dynamic, agile environment, and how to create these on task, output, and outcome levels.

Angel explains how reliable promises build trust, which creates a culture of responsibility that leads to responding to customers’ needs and delivering results. He shares his thoughts on how promises work with the OKR method. Building on that, they discuss how different people react to challenging and stressful targets, and what can be the consequences of creating an unrealistic goal. Finally, Angel explains how the leader can move the organization from one that fails to deliver on promises to a company that creates (and deliver on) realistic goals.

Get Agile #23 | Angel Diaz-Maroto | Making Reliable Promises Read More »

Get Agile #22 | Peter Stevens | Personal Agility

“Time is your most valuable currency,” says Peter Stevens, co-author of the “Personal Agility” book. “How you choose to spend this currency says a lot about what you care about.” In this episode of the Get Agile Podcast, Peter joins Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita to discover the patterns behind Personal Agility.

Peter explains how to discover things that really matter and how to navigate between them. He shows why it’s not a process to follow, but a set of patterns, and what are the six powerful questions to ask during the “celebrate and choose” event. They also discuss what is the role of the celebrity coach, and how they can help with Personal Agility.

Last but not least, they look at how to extend Personal Agility beyond a single person to the team o organizational level, how to create alignment between stakeholders, and how to improve company effectiveness by reducing time spend on endless meetings.

Get Agile #22 | Peter Stevens | Personal Agility Read More »

Checklista SM

Checklista Świetnego Scrum Mastera

Przeciętny Scrum Master może pracować z dwoma lub trzema zespołami jednocześnie. Jeżeli odpowiada ci ograniczenie swojej roli do organizowania spotkań, egzekwowania ram czasowych i reagowania na trudności zgłaszane przez pracowników, możesz osiągnąć to pracując na pół etatu. Zespół prawdopodobnie wciąż przekroczy oczekiwania Twojej organizacji sprzed wprowadzenia Scruma i raczej nie wydarzy się żadna katastrofa.

Checklista Świetnego Scrum Mastera Read More »

Get Agile #21 | Bas Vodde | Maximize learning to maximize value creation

During the LeSS Conference in Warsaw, Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita interviewed Bas Vodde, co-creator of LeSS. They discuss the consequences of defining the product from the customer perspective versus the technology perspective, and how broader product definition impacts both the organizational structure and the need for collaboration between teams. They look at how private code limit cooperation and learning, how to maximize individual and team learning, why it’s important from the company perspective, and how developers can start building the habit of continuous knowledge creation.

Get Agile #21 | Bas Vodde | Maximize learning to maximize value creation Read More »