Tomasz Wykowski

Jestem jedynym polskim Certified Scrum Trainer, CST akredytowanym przez Scrum Alliance oraz LeSS-Friendly Scrum Trainer akredytowanym przez LeSS Company. Niektórzy mówią, że moją mocną stroną jest to, że doskonale rozumiem potrzeby młodych firm. Wiem, czego potrzebują i potrafię do nich dotrzeć, bo znam ich problemy i sposób myślenia.

Get Agile 17 Robin Dymond

Get Agile #17 | Robin Dymond | How can the Agile movement help companies affected by disruption?

Many managers hold assumptions that stop their companies from changing the way they operate. Pandemic, climate change, and other recent disruptions have challenged these assumptions, making supply chains fragile, introducing chaos in stable environments, and forcing companies to question their core business practices. Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita discusses with Robin Dymond, Certified Scrum Trainer how the Agile movement can help non-software firms, including construction and oil & gas companies, go through the profound change – how to create more adaptive and more resilient organizations, how and where to start, how to reach leaders from these companies, and how to build trust with them.

Get Agile #17 | Robin Dymond | How can the Agile movement help companies affected by disruption? Read More »

Get Agile 16 Linda Rising

Get Agile #16 | Linda Rising | Fearless Change

How do we change organizations? How do we change ourselves? Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita and Linda Rising, author, lecturer and independent consultant discuss why change is hard, how companies can introduce it by running small experiments and why they can’t create a schedule for transformation. Listen to their conversation to understand why running around with checklists won’t help you much, what to do instead and what are critical factors for successful change.

Get Agile #16 | Linda Rising | Fearless Change Read More »

Agile4Good Tomasz Wykowski

Agile4Good | Tomasz Wykowski | Dlaczego skalowanie nie działa i co z tym zrobić

„Wszyscy wydają się zajęci, ale nie możemy niczego dostarczyć. Spróbowaliśmy tego Agile, jednak niewiele się zmieniło. Nasz kontekst jest inny i po prostu on tutaj nie zadziała”. Brzmi znajomo? Jeśli tak, to posłuchaj o wzorcach, które Tomek widział w różnych firmach, uniemożliwiające uzyskanie zwinności. Dowiesz się również, jak podchodzi do rozwiązywania tych problemów i jak jego klienci dokonują rzeczywistych zmian i zwiększają swoją zdolność adaptacji.

Agile4Good | Tomasz Wykowski | Dlaczego skalowanie nie działa i co z tym zrobić Read More »

Get Agile 15 Scott Dunn

Get Agile #15 | Scott Dunn | Changing Company Culture

Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita and Scott Dunn, Certified Scrum Trainer discuss company culture and why it often leads to failure of Agile adoption. Learn what you need to know about the culture as a leader, how to understand where you currently are using Competing Values Framework, how to create a vision of where you want to be, and finally, how to design the experiments that will help in the change. As the company culture changes, so does the leader’s role, moving from ‘expert’ to ‘coach and facilitator’.

Get Agile #15 | Scott Dunn | Changing Company Culture Read More »

Get Agile 14 Jurgen Appelo

Get Agile #14 | Jurgen Appelo| Building the versatile organization

In this episode, Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita interviews Jurgen Appelo, creator of the Management 3.0 movement. Join them to hear ideas behind the versatile organization and how organizations can thrive in the post-covid world. Learn why companies should abandon the product approach and focus on designing a consistent experience for their users, how to ensure collaboration between organizational departments, what are the challenges of tools such as OKRs, and how to avoid them. You’ll also find out why Jurgen thinks that stable teams are no longer optimal solution for companies and what’s the alternative.

Get Agile #14 | Jurgen Appelo| Building the versatile organization Read More »

Get Agile 13 Angela Johnson

Get Agile #13 | Angela Johnson | Why is Scrum Minimally Prescriptive?

Join Tomasz Wykowski from ProCognita and Angela Johnson, Certified Scrum Trainer from Collaborative Leadership Team. Find out why Scrum is missing many Agile practices like User Stories, Velocity or Definition of Ready, why Scrum courses are more about unlearning than learning, and why starting using Scrum can be Scary. Finally, learn what A-word and Project Management Hangover are.

Get Agile #13 | Angela Johnson | Why is Scrum Minimally Prescriptive? Read More »