
ABELight 2020 Gojko Adzic Max impact Min effort

ABE Light 20 | Gojko Adzic | Maximum Impact, Minimum Effort

A big government IT project delivered two years ahead of schedule. A fraud detection initiative saving tens of millions more than predicted. An app that helped a city rebuild faster after a major disaster and save ten times more money than expected. Learn how early adopters use impact mapping to create big impacts and minimise effort, from large government departments to innovative consultancies and small startups

ABE Light 20 | Gojko Adzic | Maximum Impact, Minimum Effort Read More »

LeSS Warsaw | Krzysztof Niewiński | Modelowanie Zwinnej organizacji (w skali)

Niektórym udaje się znaleźć sposoby na poprawę, ale niewielu zmienia swoje organizacje świadomie. „Ślepe” podążanie za kolejnym frameworkiem (szczególnie do skalowania), lub modyfikacja zasad jakiejś metody „aby bardziej pasowała do naszej kultury” jest… ryzykowne. Zamiast eksperymentować „na ślepo”, poznaj technikę modelowania Złożonych Systemów Adaptacyjnych (którymi notabene są Organizacje). Zrozum interakcje zachodzące w złożonym systemie i wykorzystaj zdobytą wiedzę do projektowania usprawnień organizacyjnych, eliminacji strat, redukcji kosztów, czy budowania pożądanej kultury.

LeSS Warsaw | Krzysztof Niewiński | Modelowanie Zwinnej organizacji (w skali) Read More »

LeSS Warsaw | Jurgen De Smet | Outcome based Product Backlog

The acronym MVP is frequently used in a context of a fully working application or minimal set of features where one forget to truly validate assumptions. PO’s are writing detailed user stories but not always following up on the business impact of it all. Let’s see how we can do things differently! A cocktail of different models that put business outcomes at the center. A different way to look at so-called product backlogs, stepping away from a flat list of items. This cocktail is one of many LeSS experiments you could try and some things to avoid.

LeSS Warsaw | Jurgen De Smet | Outcome based Product Backlog Read More »

Talenty w praktyce | Tomasz Wykowski | Jak zmieniać całe organizacje

Zmiana całej organizacji. Brzmi trudno. A jednak mam szczęście obserwować kilka organizacji, które się zmieniają. I to bardzo! Można to robić dobrze i skutecznie. Słowo „organizacja” brzmi też groźnie. A przecież każda organizacja to ludzie. Zmiana organizacji to praca z ludźmi w tej organizacji. Z ich przekonaniami, przyzwyczajeniami, nienazwanymi zasadami. To praca z ludźmi, którzy mają mocne strony i słabości.

Zapraszamy do wysłuchania rozmowy Tomka Wykowskiego i Dominika Juszczyka.

Talenty w praktyce | Tomasz Wykowski | Jak zmieniać całe organizacje Read More »

ABELight 2019 Jurgen de Smet

ABE Light 19 | Jurgen De Smet | Why Should Most Organisations Ditch Scrum!

I see Agile being used as synonym of Scrum even though Agile is more of an umbrella where Scrum is just one flavour of getting there. Many inquiries show that Scrum is the most used Agile flavour in the world and I’m here to tell you to stop that movement unless you truly mean it. Let me guide you through some basic elements and help you evaluate if you and your organisation should ditch Scrum or not. Help you recognise if you are truly a Scrum Master or rather a Scrum Novice. And much more.

ABE Light 19 | Jurgen De Smet | Why Should Most Organisations Ditch Scrum! Read More »

AgilePrague 2018 Tomasz Wykowski

Agile Prague 18 | Tomasz Wykowski | Three reasons, why your product development fails

“Far, far away…Customer exactly knew what he needs…Team exactly knew how to build it…And nothing changed along the way.”
Life would be so simple if that fairy tale was true. However, if you don’t live in the magic kingdom, then you struggle with problems of lack of communication, requirements change, dependencies, delays and politic. I can’t promise you a simple cure for all these problems. What I can do, is to show you the three main reasons behind them and what you can to address them.

Agile Prague 18 | Tomasz Wykowski | Three reasons, why your product development fails Read More »

ABE 2018 Christopher Avery lead with power

ABE 18 | Christopher Avery | Unlocking Your Natural Ability to Live and Lead with Power

You are more powerful and able than you usually give yourself credit for. That’s what The Responsibility Process® shows. The Responsibility Process is a natural pattern in our minds (discovered, documented, and perfected over the last 30 years) that fuels human growth and change (i.e., agility). It shows how we stay stuck or grow to overcome challenges. That makes it a potent self-leadership tool for taking ownership. You can put The Responsibility Process to use to produce results that matter while claiming the freedom, choice, and power you deserve. Leaders and coaches worldwide find The Responsibility Process priceless in their own life and work, and in building powerful teams, leaders, and cultures.This presentation promises breakthrough information and inspiration for all.

ABE 18 | Christopher Avery | Unlocking Your Natural Ability to Live and Lead with Power Read More »