By September 2014 spending on the 15 state health insurance exchanges and will climb to over $8 Billion dollars*. This huge expenditure for health insurance shopping sites could have been avoided if the federal and state governments had mandated and followed modern software development practices.
How did the governments, on something as high profile as healthcare reform, decide to use a risky 40 year old process to manage the delivery of the health insurance exchanges?
Comparisons were made between and, yet the way in which these two websites are developed could not be more different. used the phased or waterfall approach with 55 different contractors responsible for different aspects, and no one responsible for delivering finished product. uses Scrum, an Agile approach that emphasizes small cross functional teams who deliver working tested features every 2 weeks.
To understand how a website like could have been delivered using the approach, I created a short illustrated video. This video demonstrates, in a simple way, how to deliver a site like a health insurance exchange using a fraction of the budget in about half the time. These techniques are very similar to how companies like Spotify, Google, Square, Valve, Salesforce, Amazon and many others manage getting software development done.
Got a few minutes to save billions of dollars on software development?
Robin Dymond
Robin Dymond posiada ponad ćwierć wieku doświadczenia w IT. Pracował na różnych stanowiskach, od programisty, aż po kadrę zarządzającą i właściciela firmy. Od ponad dekady lat wspiera zespoły i firmy w procesie transformacji do Agile. Jest międzynarodowym trenerem i konsultantem specjalizującym się w praktykach Agile i Lean. W latach 2005-2007 Robin był konsultantem firmy z rynku usług finansowych, wspierającym jedno z największych przedsięwzięć wdrażania Scruma na poziomie korporacji. Jest Partnerem Zarządzającym (Managing Partner) w Innovel LLC, firmie szkoleniowo-doradczej zlokalizowanej w stanie Wirginia, USA.