
Specification by Example online

How to run Specification by Example remotely

One of the best things about Specification by Example is how it allows a group of people to quickly get to a shared understanding, and collaboratively discover and define exactly what they need to build. Specification workshops are the most effective when everyone is in the same room and has access to the same information. For better or worse, that’s impossible to do in most countries around the world at the moment. So here are some tips on getting the benefits from spec workshops without having to be in the same place.

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7 grzechów Agile Project Managementu

7 grzechów Agile Project Managementu

Zacznę od wyjaśnienia. Nie mam nic przeciwko kierownikom projektów, a przynajmniej większości z nich. Sam byłem jednym przez kilka lat. Jednak zarządzanie projektami stosowane w rozwoju oprogramowania zwykle bardziej szkodzi niż pomaga. A przyczyny tego stanu rzeczy są systemowe a nie ludzkie. Co to w ogóle jest “projekt”? Zacznijmy od definicji projektu. Wikipedia angielska mówi:

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Split learning from earning

Software development often involves dealing with unknowns. Analysing third-party systems, investigating new standards and assessing the risks of migration to a new version of an infrastructure component are all common tasks. Yet each such task differs from others of the same type enough that people can’t really estimate them without digging in and investigating the details.

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