04.09.2017 Artykuły

Socioracy 3.0

Learn a patterns that will support collaboration inside your organization.

We have invited James Priest to talk about new ideas and patterns that are supporting collaboration inside group of people. James so far visited us 3 times. See what you can learn during his training.

If you are interested in organizing this training for you contact us.

Why Socioracy 3.0

Agile and Lean have delivered fantastic results for optimizing flow of value to customers, but sooner or later agile teams bump into limitations in the surrounding organisation.

Classic sociocracy and related frameworks like Holacracy have demonstrated the potential for improving organisational governance, enabling dynamic steering and generating cross-organisational collaboration.  But it’s becoming clear that each organization’s context is unique and that prescriptive, “one size fits all” solutions can often cause more harm than good.

Now these two worlds meet in a hybridised synthesis. Sociocracy 3.0 (S3) addresses the generic complexities arising when collaboration needs to scale across multiple teams and domains. It’s a free and open, principles based framework of patterns that support all aspects of collaboration. S3 meets organizations where they are and provides a variety of compatible options to choose from and adapt, according to unique context and needs.

In this course, you will learn how to integrate the value of S3’s core principles, patterns and practices into complex agile team environments to harvest collective intelligence across the entire system. You will discover ways to navigate complexity and maximise value delivery for all – participants, customers and the company.


  • Know how applying S3’s patterns helps to free potential and support system wide continuous improvement.
  • Understand the principle of consent, appreciate its effectiveness as an alternative to consensus in decision making and learn skills in its application.
  • Discover new ways of facilitating to draw out the collective wisdom, insight and creativity of teams.
  • Discover how to apply and scale agile governance processes across multiple domains, build reflexivity and nurture positive organisational evolution

Intended Audience

This course will bring great value to:

  • Agile coaches and consultants
  • Progressive leaders and managers
  • Organisational change agents, consultants and HR


James Priest - combines 20 plus years experience of project management with over a decade spent supporting intentional communities, businesses, NGO’s and individuals to thrive. He is a co-founder and developer of Sociocracy 3.0 (sociocracy30.org) and prior to this, taught sociocracy in various contexts over 15 years. He currently serves internationally providing holistic organizational development consultancy, mentoring and training.

Liliana David -  serves internationally providing consultation, facilitation and mentoring to organizations that wish to develop greater effectiveness and equivalence in collaboration. She combines a background in communications and business administration with her growing experience as a co-developer and trainer of the Sociocracy 3.0. framework.